Corner Connect

At Cornerstone we believe that church is more than attending a weekly service. We want to connect you with others that enjoy similar activities and who desire to work together to make an impact on our community. We believe relationships are an important part in your walk with God.

We are called to be servant leaders in His Kingdom; to be empowered to serve greatly, so that we can lead greatly. Our teams include usher/greeters, media, worship, children’s church, music and so many more. If you feel in your heart a desire to serve in any area our leaders will equip you to feel knowledgeable and comfortable in whatever role you serve on your team.

Small Groups and Bible Studies At Cornerstone allow you to connect with other people who share your same interests and can help grow with you towards being your best you. Whether you’re working through a Bible study or sharing a common interest, Small Groups are where you’ll build lifetime relationships.