Young Adults

NuGen is the Young Adult Ministry (ages 18-45) of Cornerstone Baptist Church. The ministry is a fellowship which provides young adults the opportunity to connect with God and each other. We spend time cultivating long-lasting friendships, worshiping God, studying His Word to build a Christ-centered life. We pursue Jesus Christ with total surrender, deal with real life issues and build our lives centered on His Gospel.

NuGen(isis) - Ages 18-24

NuGen(isis) – A fellowship designed for ages 18-24 where members who have transitioned from Youth to Young Adult can relate to beginning a new chapter in their life. Members are empowered to take their rightful place in the body of Christ.

NuGen Revelations - Ages 25-30

NuGen Revelations- A fellowship for ages 25-30 who are exploring their Christian walk and the kind of person that God is calling them to be. Members are inspired and encouraged to persevere by faith as God’s plan for their lives are revealed.

NuGen Vision - Ages 31-45

NuGen Vision- A fellowship for ages 30-45 who have transitioned from Young Adults to Mid-Adults. Members are encouraged to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus with the resolve that God has begun a great work within them and He is faithful to see it to completion.

NuGen Family - Parents with children under 18

NuGen Family – The purpose of NuGen Family is to promote strong Christian families and to encourage growth in Christ through fellowship with others of like interests and faith.