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If you have a child between the age of 3 and 11, we invite you to bring them to our Church School on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. At Cornerstone we use arts, crafts, games and lesson illustrations to teach the truth of God’s Word and how to apply His Word to their daily lives.

On the 3rd Sunday of each month (except July and August) and some 1st Sundays, we have Children’s Church which allows our kids to worship God in their own way.


For ages 12 to 17, the Youth Ministry allows our teens the opportunity to seek more from God and to receive what He has to offer. Our Ministry is not about hype, but keeping it real. We want our young people to know God on a personal level and trust that He always has their back, no matter what. At Cornerstone, we are committed to mentoring and nurturing our young people; offering ways to help our young men and young women to understand what is required to be godly men and women. Join us for Friday night basketball, ladies night out or Friday Nite Fire contemporary worship services for an awesome experience with God and one another.