Reverend F. Timothy Fraley

Reverend Frank Timothy Fraley is the Executive Pastor at Cornerstone Baptist Church located in Brooklyn, New York. As a Brooklyn native, Pastor Fraley has been a lifelong member of Cornerstone. From his Baptism at age seven, to his Ordination as a Deacon to the Board of Deacons in 1985, Reverend Fraley has inspired Christian leadership at Cornerstone and encourages all to maximize their potential and utilize their spiritual gifts. His gift of teaching and Christian education has helped him to win souls for Jesus Christ while his administrative gift demonstrates teaching servant leadership to God’s people.
For over thirty years, Reverend Fraley has dedicated his talents, time and tithes to several ministries at Cornerstone including, but not limited to the First Friends Ministry, Fannie L. Taylor Scholarship Fund Committee and The Board of Deacons, where he served as vice-chairman for a number of years. He currently serves as an Instructor for New Discipleship Training and the Director of The Board of Christian Education at Cornerstone.
Reverend Fraley’s bases his ministry on then following Holy Scripture, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark10:45) His anointing and experience has gifted him with an ability to help God’s people to adapt and experience transformation spiritually – economically, professionally, and socially in accordance to the Lords will.
Outside of his ministry, Revered Fraley is an active member of various community organizations. In 2008, he took on the role as President of the Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce, where he currently continues to support and assist local business’ with growth and development opportunities. He also serves as the President of SHARE NY, as a steadfast advocate for clean and affordable energy for New York State. Previously, he served as the Chief Financial Officer at the legendary Motown Records (Universal Music Group), the Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Mount Vernon and Vice President of Mount Vernon Hospital.
Beyond these roles, he has continuously served as an Assistant Professor of Jewelry Design at the Fashion Institute of Technology – State University of New York, where he has taught for over twenty years. Reverend Fraley’s dedicated community leadership and education focus has allowed him the opportunity to forge strong partnerships to assist Cornerstone and the neighboring communities with a focus on race and income disparity.
Reverend Fraley has received various degrees from The Fashion Institute of Technology – State University of New York and New York University. He also received a Bachelor of Science from Nyack Collage and will receive his Masters Theology from Alliance Theological Seminary in December 2015.
Reverend Fraley resides with his wife Lisa and their four children in Westchester, New York.